Skincare Routine for Dry & Sensitive Skin: 5 Easy Steps

When signs of dry skin start to show, like your foundation peeling off or tiny cracks near your nose and mouth, it can get frustrating. The thing about dry skin is that there are numerous reasons why it occurs, including lack of moisture and sometimes even genetics. So, here’s our simplified guide for the best skincare routine for dry and sensitive skin . Use a mild cleanser Cleansing your face is necessary for all skin types. For people with dry skin, using a mild cleanser that is hydrating and doesn’t strip your skin’s natural oils is important. Cleansing your face twice a day, in the morning and before night, can help eliminate pollutants and prepare your skin for the processes that follow. Toning for pores After cleansing your skin, it’s time to tone your skin. Look for an alcohol-free and gentle toner that is specially formulated for dry skin. Toners help in maintaining the pH levels of your skin and can also reduce the appearance of pores. Apply the toner with a cotton pad ...